From Living and Travelling in and out of them

TASCHEN – Vom Leben und Reisen in und aus ihnen heraus; Foto: Julia Fenske
Poster 'BAGS - From Living and Travelling in and out of them'; Design: Carsten Bach; Photo: Julia Fenske

A spacious bag of cheap plastic, blue-white-redish checkered. In Germany it is called „turkish bag“ in the west and „Polish bag“ in the east. The Polish call it „Ucrainian bag“, in Nigeria „Ghana-must-go-home-bag“ here and there „The standard bag“. You buy it at the little asian shop around the corner for a little more than a dollar: a mass product from china. But appalling and unique: This bag is known all over the world! It represents minorities, poverty, flight/escape and lacking the inherited identity called „home“. But also it was recognized as a trendy fashion item and practicable storage device.

What do you associate with it? How to use it?

The theatrical project „TASCHEN / BAGS“ is a piece of work that combines different genres with less speech. Elements of puppetry, choreography and acting are assembled.

Let`s travel with the woman, played by puppeteer Julia Raab, alongside those BAGS from west to east, from north to south and from the outside to the inside.

All information about the piece, photos, the technical rider and stage plan as well as short biographies of the team I put together in the Portfolio.

Press & audience vote for BAGS

“[…] Im Hirn des Betrachters jagt eine Assoziation die nächste, um dem Bühnengeschehen einen Sinn abzugewinnen. […]

Die rote Dame verpackt sich selbst – als kehre sie in den schützenden Kokon, zu dem die Taschen mutieren, zurück. Ob sie darin erstickt oder erleichtert aufatmet, bleibt offen.

[…] mit großer darstellerischer Kunst und Energie gespielt […]

70 Minuten, die lange nachwirken, werden vom Auditorium anhaltend gefeiert.”

Wetterauer Newspaper, 18th of september 2018

“Like a Jim Jarmusch-movie – touching and subsequent […]”

Sylke P., audience member, 2017

“[…] great movement, great light, great Music. I was banned and amazed, that it was already over. […] Probably i will see every time another story, and this option i like.”

Annegret F., audience member, 2017

“Extremly cool! I am excited. […]”

Annika L., audience member, 2017


Sponsored by the german city Stadt Halle (Saale)and the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. in Berlin.

BAGS was produced at Atelier fiese8.


  • Target group

    for adolescents and adults

  • Duration


  • Premiere

    27th of October 2017Theatrale, Halle (Saale), Germany

Portfolio 'BAGS - From Living and Travelling in and out of them' Download

pdf 4 MB

puppeteer & drama teacher

Julia Raab

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